Expat Mummy's Adventures

Sharing experiences of expat motherhood across The World with tips, country guides, and inspiration.

Rated 5 stars by readers


Welcome to Our Community

So you or your partner have received a job offer or posting abroad? What's next? Should you accept? Will it be better for your family?

Perhaps your fed up of the day to day life where you are currently living and considering a potential move abroad for your family. Where should the search begin for you to start over?

These and more are all the questions Mums (and Dads!) are faced with all over the world every day. I want to break down the unknown and share my experience and that of those I have met along the way with you and help you embarking on this journey.

I will have a mixture of informative blog posts and articles as well as some funny (and crazy!) stories of my journey along the way! The good, the bad and the blazing heat I'm here to share it all in the hope it can help others take the step more confidently and avoid some of the pitfalls along the way.

It truly is an amazing time to give your children the gift of travel and open up their eyes to the world we live in. Also with the increasing cost of living globally and increase in flexibility in the workplace since covid there has never been a better time to book that plane ticket! Let's do this.....

woman in green orange and yellow dress standing near window
woman in green orange and yellow dress standing near window


Get in Touch

I’d love to hear from fellow expat mums! Reach out for questions or collaboration opportunities.
